Selected books
- Campana S., F. Remondino, G. Vinci, A. Fontana (eds) 2024. Under-canopy Airborne LiDAR for Archaeological Prospections in the wooded Mediterranean Environment: challenges, best practices and future prospects, Archaeological Prospection, Special Issue. Open Access.
- Campana S., F. Fassi, and F. Remondino, 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, Volume XLVIII-2/W4-2024, 2024 | ISPRS / CIPA 10th International Workshop 3D-ARCH.
- Ali A.F., Berlioz S., Mohammed R.M., Campana S., Sordini M., Vakalis N., Usai C., Barella G., Foietta E., Salemi G., Vidale M., 2022. Saving the World Heritage Site of Hatra. First aid interventions after DAESH occupation, Catalogue of the exhibition at the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Rome 10-24 November 2022.
- Dabas, S. Campana S. & A. Sarris (eds.) 2020. Mapping the Past From sampling sites and landscapes to exploring the ‘archaeological continuum’. Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 8. Session VIII-1.
- Campana S., 2018. Mapping the Archaeological continuum. Filling ‘empty’ Mediterranean Landscapes. New York: Springer
- Campana S. & M. Forte (eds.) 2017. Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Archaeology in the Age of Sensing, New York, Springer
- Campana S., R. Scopigno, G. Carpentiero & M. Cirillo (eds.) 2016. CAA 2015 Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rdCAA, 30 March-2 April 2015, Siena-Italy. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing, ISBN 9781784913373. Available in open-access ISBN 9781784913380.
- Campana S., Remondino F. 2014, 3D survey and modeling in archaeology and cultural heritage. Theory and best practices, BAR international series Oxford.
- Campana S., 2013. Carta Archeologica della Provincia di Siena. Montalcino, vol. 12, Siena: Nuova Immagine Editrice, pp.311.
- Campana S., Remondino F. (guest editors). 2013, GIS in Cultural Heritage documentation, The International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, Special Issue.
- Campana S., Musson C., Palmer R. 2013, FLIGHTS INTO THE PAST Aerial photography, photo interpretation and mapping for archaeology, Occasional Publication No. 4 of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group in partnership with the ArchaeoLandscapes Europe (ArcLand) Project of the European Union. Il libro è la traduzione inglese della pubblicazione numero 2. Campana S., Musson C., Palmer R. 2005, In volo nel passato. Aerofotografia e cartografia archeologica, All’Insegna del Giglio, Firenze, pp.327.
- Campana S., Forte M., Liuzza C., 2010, Space, Time, Place, Proceeding of the IIInd International Conference on Remote Sensing Archaeology, Tirruchirapalli, India (August 17-22, 2009), Archaeopress BAR INTERNATIONAL SERIES.
- Campana S., Piro S. 2009, Seeing the Unseen. Geophysics and Landscape Archaeology, London, pp.331.
- Campana S., Felici C., Francovich R., Gabbrielli F. 2008, Chiese e insediamenti nei secoli di formazione dei paesaggi medievali della Toscana (V- X secolo), proceedings of the conference (10-11 November 2006, San Giovanni d’Asso), All’Insegna del Giglio, Firenze, pp.441.
- Campana S., Forte M, 2006, From Space to Place, Proceeding of the IInd International Conference Remote on Sensing Archaeology, Rome (4-7 December 2006), Archaeopress BAR INTERNATIONAL SERIES, Oxford, pp.579.
- Campana S., Francovich R. 2006, Laser scanner e GPS: paesaggi archeologici e tecnologie digitali 1, proceedings of the workshop, 3 marzo 2005 Grosseto, All’Insegna del Giglio, Firenze, pp.341.
- Campana S., Musson C., Palmer R. 2005. In volo nel passato. Aerofotografia e cartografia archeologica, Firenze: All’Insegna del Giglio, pp.327.
- Campana S., 2001. Carta Archeologica della Provincia di Siena. Murlo, vol. 5, Siena: Nuova Immagine Editrice, pp.336.
- Campana S., Forte M. 2001, Remote Sensing in Archaeology, proceedings of the XI International School in Archaeology, (Certosa di Pontignano, 6-11 dicembre 1999), All’Insegna del Giglio, Firenze, pp.354.
Selected papers
- Vinci G., Vanzani F., A. Fontana & Campana S., 2024. LiDAR applications in archaeology: a systematic review. In Campana S., F. Remondino, G. Vinci, A. Fontana (eds), Under-canopy Airborne LiDAR for Archaeological Prospections in the wooded Mediterranean Environment: challenges, best practices and future prospects, Archaeological Prospection, Special Issue: 0-21.
- Pansini, S. Guzel, G. Morelli, F. Barsuglia, G. Penno, G. Catanzariti, A. Merico, M. G. Carpentiero, S. Camporeale, and S. Campana, 2024. Multi-modal/multi-resolution 3d data acquisition and processing for a new understanding of the historical city of Siena (Italy), in Campana S., F. Fassi, and F. Remondino (eds), 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, Volume XLVIII-2/W4-2024, 2024, ISPRS / CIPA.
- Campana S., 2023. SAME OLD STORY? Why are archaeological discoveries so often unexpected? What is wrong with Preventive Archaeology?
- Opitz, R., Baldwin, E., De Smedt, P., Verhegge, J., CAMPANA, S., Mayoral-Herrera, V., Powlesland, D., Vieri, M., Perna, C. and Sarri, D. 2023 Remote Sensing Data to Support Integrated Decision Making in Cultural and Natural Heritage Management – Impasses and opportunities for collaboration in agricultural areas, Internet Archaeology: 62.
- Opitz, R., De Smedt, P., Mayor-al-Herrera, V., CAMPANA, S., Vieri, M., Baldwin, E., Perna, C., Sarri, D., Verhegge, J. 2023. Practicing Critical Zone Observation in Agricultural Landscapes: Communities, Technology, Environment, and Archaeology. Land 2023, 12, 179.
- Monaco M., Riccomi G., Minozzi S., Campana S., Giuffra V. 2022. Exploring activity-induced dental modifications in medieval Pieve di Pava (central Italy, 10th-12th centuries AD), Archives of Oral Biology, Volume 140, 2022, 105449, ISSN 0003-9969.
- Campana S, Sordini M, Berlioz S, Vidale M, Al-Lyla R, Abbo al-Araj A, Bianchi A, 2022, Remote sensing and ground survey of archaeological damage and destruction at Nineveh during the ISIS occupation, Antiquity.
- Riccomi G., Casaccia J., Minozzi S., Felici C., CAMPANA S., Giuffra V. 2021. Maxillary sinusitis as a respiratory health indicator: a bioarchaeological investigation into medieval central Italy. International Journal of Paleopathology, 35, pp. 40-48.
- Campana S., Quirós J.A., Saito K. 2021. Magnetic prospection at Aistra (Álava) and Peña Amaya (Burgos): Towards a new diagnostic paradigm for early mediaeval Iberia. Archaeological Prospection 29 (1), pp.3-14.
- Strutt, S. Campana, S., J. Ogden, G. Catanzariti, G. Morelli, 2020. Integrating Magnetic and GPR Survey At Çatalhöyük, Journal of Near Eastern Archaeology, vol: 83 issue 2, June.pp. 80-87.
- Campana S. 2017. Emptyscapes: filling an ‘empty’ Mediterranean landscape at Rusellae, Italy. Antiquity, Vol: 91, Issue: 359, October, pp. 1223–1240.
- Campana S. 2017. Drones in Archaeology. State-of-the-Art and Perspectives, International Journal of Archaeological Prospection.
- Campana S., 2017. Vers l’implentation de la cartographie du continuum archéologique. Nouvelles perspectives et limites actuelles de l’archéologie préventive en Italie. Archéologies numériques, 1(2), 1-14.
- Campana S. 2016, Archaeology, Remote Sensing. In Gilbert A.S., (ed). Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology. Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: 703-724
- Felici C., Campana S., Fiocchi Nicolai V., Spera L., Morelli G. 2016. Il comprensorio della catacomba di San Callisto tra la via Appia e la via Ardeatina (Roma) alla luce delle indagini geofisiche estensive, Archeologia e Calcolatori, pp.227-250.
- Campana S., Mozzi P., Fontana A., Ninfo A., Ferrarese F. Francese R., 2015, The Roman City of Altinum, Venice Lagoon, from Remote Sensing and Geophysical Prospection. International Journal of Archaeological Prospection.
- Campana S., Hodges R., Hobart M. 2012, Monasteri contesi nella Tuscia Longobarda: il caso di San Pietro ad Asso, Montalcino (Siena), Archeologia Medievale, XXXIX, pp. 175-213.
- Campana S., Bacci M., Bianchi G., Fichera A. 2012, Historical and Archaeological Analysis of the Church of the Nativity, JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, ISSN 1296-2074, pp. 305-326.
- Campana S., Ricci P., Mongelli V., Vitiello A., Sirignano C., Rubino M., Fornaciari G., Lubritto C. 2012, The privileged burial of the Pava Pieve (Siena, 8th Century AD), in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 26, pp. 2393-2398.
- Campana S., Dabas M. 2011, Archaeological Impact Assessment: The BREBEMI Project (Italy), spcial issue, Geophysical investigations for Archaeological Prospection, International Journal of Archaeological Prospection.
- Campana S., F. Brogi, C. Felici, B. Frezza, L. Marasco, F. Pericci, M. Sordini, 2009, Scavo archeologico della pieve e del cimitero di Pava, aggiornamento alla V campagna anno 2008, pubblicazione digitale sulla rivista: Journal of Fasti Online.
- Campana S., Marasco L., Dabas M., Piro S., Zamuner D., 2009, Integration of remote sensing, geophysical surveys and archaeological excavation for the study of a medieval mound (Tuscany-Italy), Journal of Archaeological Prospection.
- Campana S., Felici C., Marasco L. 2007, Indagini archeologiche sul sito della pieve di Pava (SI). Campagna 2006, “Archeologia Medievale”, Firenze, pp.69-77..