
DIGITAL HERITAGE 2025, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, SEPTEMBER 8-13, 2025, UNIVERSITY OF SIENA Overview of the laboratory of Landscape Archaeology and Remote Sensing Overview of the Emptyscapes project First Aid Intervention after ISIS occupation in Hatra (Iraq – October 2021) Hatra walking … Continua a leggere

360 movie

GPR survey in Piazza Duomo Siena (SoS project 2021-2022) GPR survey of Piazza San Giovanni within the archaeological prospection of the Siena Cathedral research project (2021-2022) GPR survey of the central nave of the Siena Cathedral (March 2021) Laserscanning at … Continua a leggere


Sketchfab is a popular platform to publish and share 3D, VR and AR (augmented realty) content. It provides a viewer that allows users to display 3D models on the web, to be viewed on any mobile browser, desktop browser or … Continua a leggere

open data

In order to share the results of our researches with the international scientific community, we aim to publish open all the datasets on the open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. This platform allows us to … Continua a leggere

open access

Selected books Campana S., F. Remondino, G. Vinci, A. Fontana (eds) 2024. Under-canopy Airborne LiDAR for Archaeological Prospections in the wooded Mediterranean Environment: challenges, best practices and future prospects, Archaeological Prospection, Special Issue. Open Access. Campana S., F. Fassi, and … Continua a leggere


Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan Bruno Kessler Foundation – 3D Optical Metrology Duke University – Dig@Lab Geostudi Astier Global Digital Heritage Landscape Research Centre – LRC National Research Council – Institute of Heritage Science Superintendence of Siena, Arezzo, Grosseto University … Continua a leggere

open science

Open Science has the potential of making the scientific process more transparent, inclusive and democratic. We believe that open science policy and practice represents a fundamental assumption in a field of study such as archeology highly affected in every part … Continua a leggere

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