Radio Svizzera Italiana
January 3, 2025 – making the archaeological past widely accessible
Perils of Preservation
Stefano Campana (CHE) and Giovanni Fontana Antonelli (IT)

University of Vienna – Human Evolution & Archaeological Sciences
LAP&T partecipate to HEAS Podcast, a gateway to the world of human evolution, archaeology, and scientific discovery
November 27, 2023

Radio Svizzera Italiana
March 4, 2020
SavingHatra: a recovery project for the ancient city devastated by ISIS.
A team of archaeologists from the Landscape Archaeology and Remote Sensing Laboratory of the Department of Historical Sciences and Cultural Heritage at the University of Siena led a research mission directed by Professor Stefano Campana.

Radio Svizzera Italiana
September 15, 2019
Programma radiofonico Voci dipinte: Volare sulla storia

Radio Svizzera Italiana
May 29, 2016
Gli espatriati. Le storie di chi è partito dal Ticino raccontate a Tete Uno