- The first entails the creation of a web-based 3D Archaeological Information System for the subsoil of the city, accessible by desktop, mobile and virtual reality devices.
- Alongside the development of this GIS a second line of research will entail the acquisition and refinement of STREAM X GPR data for all of the public spaces such as streets, squares, courtyards and gardens that are at least theoretically accessible within the city for the mapping of archaeological features (and underground services) down to a depth of about 3m; the technical cartography for the city suggests that (given the necessary permissions) this will make available an estimated 25 hectares of surveyable area as illustrated in figure 2.
- The third element in the project will focus on identification of all existing archaeological, historical and geological information about the city and its representation in a GIS platform; this elementy of the project designwill also be devoted to the development of interpretative frameworks for the radar data, permitting its integration and progressive combination with of the documentation and future results from within the city.